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Three reasons to choose WHC

German medical grade fish oil factory

Omega-3 products are produced by KD Pharma, the world's top medical grade fish oil factory.

Quality No.1

We are committed to providing the purest and highest purity Omega-3 supplements, and becoming the leading brand of high-purity rTG fish oil in the Hong Kong market, providing customers with diversified product formulas.

International quality certification

All WHC fish oil series products have passed good operating practices and have GMP international standard certification. At the same time, we support the sustainable development of the world and obtain the Friends of the Ocean certification.

In addition, WHC holds IFOS (International Fish Oil Standard) five-star certification and is a member of the GOED (Global EPA&DHA Omega-3) organization. Recently, WHC’s products were also tested by Labdoor and received an A+ rating, further proving their quality and purity.

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"Quality is the eternal touchstone"

Jo Wyckmans / Founder of WHC, the father of European fish oil

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Challenging the quality limit of fish oil!


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Challenge the quality limit of fish oil!

UnoCardio®1000 + Vitamin D 95% high purity deep sea fish oil + vitamin D 60 capsules


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WHC皇牌精選產品Unocardio 1000小千金魚油選用秘魯/智利深海野生魚仔,每粒含1200毫克Omega-3, EPA與DHA比例為32,有效保護血管健康,再配搭Vitamin D3,加強骨骼健康,提高自身免疫力,補充足夠Omega-3身體先會更健康!






以UnoCardio 1000+Vitamin D小千金為例:

每粒含有1200mg Omega3,而深海濃縮物是1250mg













但係唔夠瞓會令人好攰、難以集中,影響到學習同記憶力,分分鐘會爛grade ! 😰通宵熬夜仲會令情緒波動,更容易感到焦慮同情緒低落😞最重要係,熬夜會令皮膚乾燥、暗啞,甚至爆瘡😱咁樣點算呀?

唔想變成咁? 小金蛋魚油幫緊你!

WHC UnoCardio 1000MINI
小金蛋魚油含有豐富Omega-3,純度高達95% ,當中DHA有助於改善記憶力同學習能力,而EPA則可以減輕炎症反應。Omega-3仲可以改善皮膚狀態,可以同面上嘅痘痘講byebye👋🏻令你睇落更明亮同精神! 🤓作為大學生嘅你,不妨試吓小金蛋魚油啦!






皇牌精選產品之一Unocardio X2小紅帽魚油選用秘魯/智利深海野生魚仔,純度高達95%,每粒含1150毫克Omega-3,並擁有IFOS 五星檢測報告。所以想買高純度同環境友善嘅魚油記得揀WHC啦~

Do you know this about fish oil?

What is fish oil?

Fish oil is a nutritional supplement made from the fat of small fish such as mackerel, sardines, and herring. Fish oil contains the beneficial fatty acids EPA and DHA and has many scientifically proven and published health claims. Fish oil is often used to increase Omega-3 intake and maintain healthy vision, heart and brain function.

1: DHA helps maintain normal vision, daily intake of 250 mg DHA
2: EPA and DHA contribute to normal heart function, daily intake of at least 250 mg EPA+DHA
3: DHA helps maintain normal brain function. Daily intake of 250 mg DHA

There are many types of fish oil on the market today. However, they are not exactly the same!

• Regular fish oil only provides 30% Omega-3, 18% EPA and 12% DHA. Considering that one capsule only contains 30% Omega-3, this means that the remaining 70% of the capsule is made up of unnecessary and even unhealthy fats, and often also contains impurities such as heavy metals and PCBs.

• Most fish oil concentrates are made in the ethyl ester form and contain 60% to 80% Omega-3. Although the Omega-3 concentration is slightly higher, these fatty acids are not in a readily bioavailable form (i.e. easily absorbed by the body) and still contain up to 40% of other unnecessary and even unhealthy fats.

• On the other hand, highly concentrated fish oils such as UnoCardio® are extremely rare and contain 90 to 95% Omega-3. These fish oils are not made in the form of ethyl esters, but in a better, more bioavailable form called r-triglycerides (rTG). These oils provide the most EPA and DHA per softgel and are of the highest purity.

Due to its rTG form UnoCardio® is 70% easier to absorb than Lovaza, Teva Omega-3.

Why WHC Labs developed a range of Omega-3 fatty acids like UnoCardio®?

Since Jo Wyckmans founded Nutrogenics, he has been passionate about delivering the "best" omegas to the market. Naturally sourced from the cleanest waters on Earth - the South Pacific Coast - and concentrated and purified through an environmentally friendly distillation process, our Omegas contain the highest levels of the essential fatty acids DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaene acid).

The health benefits of these essential fatty acids have been scientifically proven in many studies. WHC's UnoCardio® supplement contains 90–95% Omega-3, thus providing the required amount of Omega-3 in a single softgel, equivalent to 3-10 standard fish oil softgels.

While most concentrated fish oils on the market are in the form of ethyl esters (a synthetic fat), UnoCardio® formulas are produced in the form of true r-triglycerides (rTG) . Studies have shown that the bioavailability (i.e. the rate at which the body absorbs fatty acids) of fatty acids in the form of r-triglycerides is significant - 70% higher than the ethyl ester.

It’s no surprise that UnoCardio® 1000 was nominated #1 for highest purity and quality in the United States.

What are the Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA?

EPA and DHA: The most important OMEGA-3 fatty acids

The two most important Omega-3 fatty acids are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) . Our body’s ability to synthesize EPA and DHA is very inadequate, which is why they need to be obtained from food or Omega supplements.

EPA and DHA play a vital role in maintaining overall health. To function properly, the body typically requires 500-1000 mg of EPA and DHA per day, but a healthy intake of EPA+DHA may vary from 250 mg to 3 grams. DHA is one of the most important fatty acids in the brain and retina of the eye, which explains why taking 250 mg of DHA daily can help maintain cognitive health and vision. DHA is one of the key fatty acids that is a component of cell membranes in brain and retinal tissue.

You can compare this to building a house: if you think about pouring concrete in the foundation, DHA is the same basic material as concrete. The structure of the house will have different properties depending on the type of material used in the concrete. If the concrete is not strong enough, all components of the house (walls, windows, electrical system, water supply) will be affected. Likewise, the types of fatty acids you consume will determine how strong your brain and retinal cell membranes are, and therefore how well or poorly they function.

In some cases, DHA and EPA have a combined effect. EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart (at least 250 mg per day) and maintain normal blood triglyceride levels (2 g per day) and normal blood pressure (3 g per day). When consuming higher amounts, make sure your daily supplemental intake of EPA and DHA does not exceed 5 grams total. Therefore, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in Omega-3 are polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for humans to maintain physical and mental health. But humans can only produce very small amounts of EPA and DHA, so these fatty acids must be obtained through diet or Omega supplements.

These beneficial fatty acids are naturally found in oily fish, such as mackerel, sardines, herring, etc. A balanced Omega-3 index (8% Omega-3 content in red blood cells in the body) can only be achieved by eating enough oily fish regularly or by taking a 1000 mg daily Omega-3 supplement such as UnoCardio® from WHC-Nutrogenics or higher) and benefit from the health benefits these nutrients provide.

What are the proven health benefits of EPA/DHA in Omega-3s?

The American Heart Association recommends consuming 2-4 grams of EPA+DHA per day to maintain normal blood triglyceride levels, a recommendation now adopted by the Council on Global Health. EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority responsible for evaluating health claims on nutrient content, similarly concluded that 2 grams of EPA+DHA are needed per day to maintain healthy triglyceride levels in the blood. This intake is easily achieved using a highly concentrated fish oil supplement such as UnoCardio®, which contains 1 gram of EPA+DHA per capsule.

The higher the percentage of EPA+DHA in a supplement, the fewer capsules required per day. EFSA considers 5 grams of EPA+DHA safe for adults to take long-term. This should be considered the maximum daily dose. There are currently 9 EPA+DHA health claims approved by EFSA, with many others still being researched and studied for approval. The European Commission makes the following health claims for the Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA:

• EPA+DHA contributes to normal heart function, with a daily intake of at least 250 mg of EPA+DHA.
• EPA+DHA helps maintain normal blood pressure, take 3 grams of EPA+DHA daily (equivalent to 3 UnoCardio® softgels; do not exceed 5 grams of EPA+DHA per day).
• EPA+DHA helps maintain normal blood triglyceride levels with 2 g of EPA+DHA daily (equivalent to 2 UnoCardio® softgels; do not exceed 5 g of EPA+DHA per day).
• Daily intake of 250 mg of DHA helps maintain normal vision.
• Daily intake of 250 mg of DHA helps maintain normal brain function.
• Daily intake of 2 grams of DHA helps maintain normal blood triglyceride levels.
• Mother's intake of DHA contributes to the normal development of the brain of the fetus or breast-fed infant, with a daily intake of 200 mg of DHA in addition to the 250 mg of EPA+DHA recommended for adults.
• Mother's intake of DHA contributes to the normal development of the eyes of the fetus or breast-fed infant, with a daily intake of 200 mg of DHA in addition to the adult recommendation of 250 mg of EPA+DHA.
• DHA supports normal vision development in infants under 12 months of age with a daily intake of 100 mg of DHA.

What is cod liver oil?

When they hear the word fish oil, many people automatically think of cod liver oil. However, the fish oils discussed here have little to do with the fish oils used in the past or the fish oil supplements on the market today. In fact, consuming large amounts of cod liver oil in order to get enough Omega-3 fatty acids can be quite harmful. Even today, many cod liver oils still contain too much vitamin A. Cod liver oil and vitamin A increase the risk of osteoporosis. Women going through menopause can easily consume 1 gram of EPA per day. If you try to use cod liver oil to achieve this goal, the risk of getting too much vitamin A is high.

Your vitamin A levels may increase to the point where you are at risk for osteoporosis.

Cod liver oil is also not recommended for children because it contains vitamin A. In order to get 500 milligrams of EPA from cod liver oil, they would have to consume so much of the oil that their vitamin A levels become very unhealthy. You should also know that the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has clearly stated that Europeans already receive sufficient vitamin A through their diet, so this vitamin is no longer suitable for food fortification and supplementation.

The message we want to convey is - avoid using cod liver oil!

How long does it take to experience actual benefits?

UnoCardio® Take 1000 Xiaoqianjin continuously for at least three months. Nonetheless, after taking UnoCardio® daily for six weeks, the increase in Omega-3 index will be measurable. Omega-3 supplements are designed to help the body maintain good health and should not be used as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle.

How do I know how many capsules I need to take per day to achieve the ideal amount of 1 gram of EPA and DHA per day?

It is recommended to carefully read the "Facts and Nutritional Values" on the back of the supplement label, and then ask yourself the following two questions:

1. How much DHA+EPA does one softgel contain?
2. How many soft capsules are there in one serving?

You may be surprised to find out how many softgels of current brands you actually need to take per day to get 1 gram of EPA+DHA and how long one pack lasts when consumed at beneficial doses.

If four or more capsules are required per day, the cheaper products can quickly become quite expensive, not to mention all the unnecessary potentially harmful fats, polychlorides, etc. that may be present in these low strength softgels. biphenyl and heavy metals.

When and how should I take WHC UnoCardio® capsules?

If you want to boost your Omega-3 index quickly, take 2 capsules daily for six weeks to three months to experience and test actual improvements.

If you want to maintain healthy Omega-3 levels, take 1 capsule daily
preferably with a meal. It is recommended to take an Omega-3 supplement before or during the main or fattest meal of the day. Omega-3 is best absorbed by the body when it is taken with other fats, such as natural yogurt, foods containing olive oil, or other healthy fats.

What is unique about EPA and DHA supplements?

Choose EPA and DHA supplements that contain the rTG form (r-triglyceride form) with the highest concentration of Omega-3. This form of TG ensures maximum and faster absorption. The rTG form is 70% more absorbed in the body than the synthetic EE form (ethyl ester).


Choose concentrated fish oil from sustainable fisheries, non-endangered wild fish (Friends of the Sea ® certificate). Several studies have shown that farmed fish contain less Omega-3 fatty acids and more Omega-6 fatty acids. This difference can be explained by the diet of farmed fish: wild fish feed on small fish, crustaceans, and microalgae that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids; Feeds on animals and microalgae. In contrast, farmed fish are typically fed omega-6-rich grains and vegetable oils. Farmed fish are also often raised in harsh, animal-unfriendly conditions, and antibiotics and fungicides are common.

To ensure that the fish is completely free of toxins (PCBs, heavy metals and dioxin), choose an environmentally friendly purification method such as "SFC Extraction (Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Extraction), which provides the highest levels of EPA and DHA in 100% pure oil.

Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely sensitive to oxidation. Therefore, mixed tocopherols are added as antioxidants to ensure that the fatty acids are preserved for as long as possible. Therefore, omega-3s must be protected by antioxidants to stay in good shape for as long as possible. Also, for this reason, we recommend storing the jars in a dry, cool place away from sunlight.

Certified IFOS analysis for every batch

Some brands claim they are certified by IFOS laboratories. Sometimes the problem lies with the supplier's raw materials rather than the brand batch purchased:

For more information visit:

https: //certifications.nutrasource.ca/certified - products

WHC laboratory analysis can be found at:

https: //certifications.nutrasource.ca/certified-products/brand? id=WHCC